Friday, April 20, 2007

Autumn Winds

Life is spontabulous - (spontaneously fabulous - a word a friend came up with after one of my spelling errors).
It’s a beautiful autumn/early winter here in the midlands of KZN, the sun is shining down, and not in the overly oppressive way it can in summer, but in the soul and heartwarming way it does in winter.
Soon the grass will turn gold and the leaves will shed their autumn coats, the bright blue sky will stand out in contrast to the bare stark landscape and for a moment all will stand silent.
For now we have autumn and its rich rusty colours, and I’m loving it, still warm enough to wear shorts and slops - but cool enough to wear longs if you’d like. Sleeping in or reading a book in bed is comfortable, because it’s nice to be warm and snuggled up, but you’re arm doesn’t freeze when you take it out from under the covers to turn the page.
This is autumn and I love it’s pastel beauty, below are the lyrics to one of the earliest songs I ever wrote, I guess even back then Autumn held something special for me

Autumn Winds
Autumn winds often blow
First comes summer and then snow
But I’m leaving my seasons of change.
Seeds of thought are planted deep
In the autumn for the winters sleep
and they’ll blossom with springs bright avail
Crazy lady different man
Take the right path if you can
and I’ll see you on the other side of life

My seasons of change pass me everyday
and the reasons of faith leave me open to say
I’m going home with autumn winds
and with the first snow a new year begins
Springtime arrives and there’s a girl in your eyes
but the heat wave comes and you wave goodbye
but I feel at home with autumn winds
See the leaves fall to the ground
The autumn winds blow them around
Till the gather like thoughts in my head
Pastel colours wrapped in brown
Catch them children and throw them around
Till they scatter like memories left behind
My seasons of change pass me everyday
and the reasons of faith leave me open to say
I’m going home with autumn winds
and with the first snow a new year begins
Springtime arrives and there’s a girl in your eyes
but the heat wave comes and you wave goodbye
but I feel at home with autumn winds

I feel at home with autumn winds

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