Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Old Times

I was up In Gauteng this weekend with work, and I was lucky enough to get the chance to meet up with my friend and fellow musician Jason. We’ve known each other since highschool and he’s the one who got me on my way playing guitar, teaching me as he was teaching himself.
Myself and some colleagues went to watch him play on Thursday night - I even got up and did a few songs with him which was nice, I aint played with him in a while and it’s always nice to Jam with an old friend.


Dean said...

nice bru, what's he up to in jhb? stukkend!

liam said...

He R for playing some music, though he's gonna be back in Natal soon dude - hey are you havin fum on dem ships?

Dean said...

just another day in paradise i tell u. actually i have been so busy lately, hardly anytime to go out and enjoy. its cool, still got plenty of time.

liam said...

Ja it may be paradise but you're missing out on all the great sport - been a bit hectic myself at work