Friday, June 12, 2009

Latest Updates & Happenings

Okay it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here, only our post Splashy write up, quite a bit’s happened since then.
The Band is continuing to play under the Name Band of Brothers, though Zephyr’s not lost and gone, just on the Backburners for now.
All our news, updates, gigs & doings of the Band will still be here on our Blog and the Zephyr Website.

So what’s the update on what’s been happening and what’s going on, since I last wrote Band of Brothers opened for Jason Hartman (brother of Scott who drummed for us at Splashy and when we opened for his brother) Idols winner at Pecan wood estate. It was a great concert and the crowd was awesome. Besides us and Jason another act on the night were Gonzo Republic, who I (and the rest of the Band actually) really enjoy, they’ve got their own unique sound and stage presence. So we had a really enjoyable evening, and it was very cool to open for my good friend Jason (did I ever mention that he taught me to play guitar) just after his Idols win.

Anyway so moving forward with the news, unfortunately Scott being as busy musically as he is with his own stuff and playing with his now very much in demand brother was never going to be a permanent feature, though we loved playing with him, this has now opened the door to new friendships and Musical relationships. Band of Brothers has been joined now by a new drummer in Loz Smith, and we’ve all been working hard together coming up with new songs and teaching Loz some of the older ones. It’s been fun, but now we’re ready to get out there as this new Musical Machine and flaunt ourselves to you the fantastic Public.
Our first gig as this new unit will be at the PMB Musicians club, and we’re really looking forward to entertaining the local crowds, we’re also hoping to head up to the Newcastle folk club a bit later this year.

Then in September (24th to the 27th to be exact) we’re hoping to get into White Mountain Folk Festival – it’s a really awesome festival up in the Berg outside of Escourt, and along with Splashy Fen this is one of my favorite’s festivals. Part of what I love about it is that it’s a folk festival, which basically means all the Bands that play there have to play Acoustics, which makes it such a mellowed out festival with rich sounding easy listening music, and it’s a great time to see some of your favorites bands playing in a slightly different format, with different takes on some of their favorites songs.

Anyway that’s all from me for now, I will try and make some more regular updates to let you all know what’s been happening and what is happening.
For now though that’s all

Peace and Love

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for another interesting and useful piece of knowledge !

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