Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a venue, what a crowd, what music and what a day, Sunday’s Hillside concert was brilliant, I definitely think it’s up there with one of our favorite gigs to date. Due to time constraints and the amount of bands, The four local bands (us included) only had a half hour time slot which included our set up time.

We did manage to get through the 5 songs we’d chosen to do though, the onstage sound was great, I think it’s the first time in a while, the whole band had absolutely no complaints about something being to low or too loud. I must just let you know this isn’t the easiest thing to achieve, what the Audience is hearing in front of the stage isn’t always what we’re hearing on it, and that makes a big difference to our performance, because if we can’t really hear what we’re sounding like, we don’t know if we’re playing it right or not.

The bands of the day were great, the Ryan Calder band kicked the afternoon off to an awesome start with some great songs, and really set the tone for the afternoon, they were followed by us, then Ilan lux, The Hairy Legged lentil Eaters, Magna Carter and then Southern Gypsey Queen ended off the wonderful afternoon.

The Substantial crowd which turned out to support the concert were great, and by the looks and sound of it had a good time of it all, seated up the hill which acted as a Natural amphitheatre everyone could get a view of the stage and we could get a look at everyone.

It is a beautiful venue, and I think I speak for most the musicians and audience when I say I hope it becomes an annual event.

Peace and love to you all.


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