Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I just noticed that I Had posted the wrong email adress to contact us at, it was published as "" when it should have been "". So if you have tried to send anything through and have been wondering why it hasn't been working - well now you know, I have corrected that entry now. Shows you how often I read through what I'm posting, no-wonder there's so many spelling errors.

Animated Giffs

Thanks to my colleague, I now know how to make animated Giff’s - I thought I would post one up here, to see how it works (If it works).
You can get quite involved with them and end up spending hours on something that is only animated for a couple of seconds. It’s alot of fun though, if you got the time to spend making them - hey maybe you’ll see some more in the future if this one works. If it doesn’t then you never read this.
Keep well all

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Change of line up

Hey all,
unfortunately we're not going to be playing with Zen Arcade anymore which is a pity, I was looking forward to a double "Z" billing. We still will however be playing, with another local band, Helpbreakmary, the evenings proceedings should be kicking off at around 8.30 pm, so get there if you can, it'll be a great one and we're definitely looking forward to it, so we hope to see you there. If you can make it come over and say Hi.
I do finally have my guitar back which makes me really happy, Pete did a great job, and she's sounding better than ever. Jeremy's hoping to have his new bass amp by then aswell, so be ready to rock.Alright Later all

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Next Gig!

Hey All
We've been asked to play with "Zen Arcade" at Cliffies on the 20th of this fine month of ROCKtober - that would be next friday, we're looking forward to it and hopefully by then I should have my Accoustic guitar back (I've been practicing and played one informal gig - with my electric, though while fun, needs a bit more work and experimenting with before hitting the big stage. Basically I need to get a decent guitar amp which would set me back a couple of grand, so not likely any time soon.) As i was saying I should have my accoustic back soon, she is in the very capable hands of Mr Pete Hanbury, a good friend and skilled Luthier (an instrument craftsman). My old pickup died on us in the middle of our set at Southern Cross (Jeremy and Colin you're stars - they managed to add in and adjust some of the songs so they were carried by the Bass and Drums), so Pete has fitted a new one and is doing some general maintenance repairs on her for me.
Unless you actually play an instrument as often as a gigging band does you don't really realize how much wear and tear your intruments endure.
Gotta run
Peace & Love people

Monday, October 09, 2006

Contact Us

Hey if you visit the blog and want to know more about the band and don't want to leave it as a comment to one of our posts, I've set up a yahoo email adress where you can send us an email.
Other news is that we've registred the web address However as Im busy with wortk at the moment I haven't had the chance to build the site, so for now it leads you here. Which Might be a bit confusing to those of you who have seen our address on stuff we've handed out at gigs and ended up at a blogspot.
So write to us we'd be pleased to hear from you.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Maybe Angels

I've just Found out a friend of mine lost her Dad a few weeks ago, news like this always hits you at your core - and despite the loss of lives all around the world the news of the loss of someone, (even if you don't know them personally - but they're close to someone you know well) creeps right under that guard you've built up to avoid letting in all the terrible things that happen in the world.
I’m sure everyone at some point in time has experienced real grief at one level or another. I’m posting the words to a song I wrote a few years ago, when I was experiencing a grief that felt it would tear me apart, this ones for you van if you’re reading this.

Maybe Angels

Maybe angels watch over me,
when I’m sleeping when I’m lost in my dreams
when I’m searching for answers just out of my reach
Are you out there searching like me
can you hear it when the wind starts to speak
when it whispers it leaves your name caught in the air

Maybe angels watch over you
Maybe angels watch over me too
Maybe angels are holding us safe in the night

I’ve been broken since you stepped on that train
maybe angels can make me whole again
because the feelings I’m feeling are too much to bear
When the moon shines over the sea
I’ll be thinking of you thinking of me
Maybe angels are holding us safe in their embrace

Maybe angels stand by our side
Maybe angels our guardian and guides
Maybe angels are holding us safe in their light

Maybe angels are watching me bleed
Maybe angels are bleeding with me
Maybe angels are feeling the pain that I feel

Maybe angels won’t you stand by my side
Maybe angels my guardian and guide
Maybe angels - wont’ you stand and watch over her