Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Surprise from the beat boy

Liam, I finally made it onto the blog. Looking pretty good.

Looking forward to the youth day festival on the 16 June at Pietermaritzburg varsity.
As the drum beats, let it bring together the people of South Africa to celerbrate unity and peace. Through music we are one.

See you there.....
Colin A

Youth Day Concert

Hey all... okay the next one is again being held at the big chill, were playing with a host of other artists, and yes the MC's are all going to be there again, and I'm sure we'll do a couple of colabo's again. We're celebrating 30 years of youth revolution. So get there and celebrate it with us, we'll be taken donations of money and tinned food, so bring something along if you can.. it's all being donated to I think it's called the "Angel Foundation". I'm sorry if I got it wrong, but it's going into hands where it will make the most difference.

"...drink your coffee black drink your coffee white, it still has the same effect" - Over the table

Peace and love to you all

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Red Door

Tuesday eve. at the Red Door was really great, it's always a pleasure to be playing there, Jamie's really got his sound sorted, and to be playing with Celtis, well what can you say. Thier celtic music really runs into your veins and gets you going, the crowd turnout was good and the response to both bands was brilliant. The Audience are the main reason we do this, and you guys definitley got us going.
I'm not Sure when the next gig is yet but it is on the cards we promise, and I will have some pictures of our last couple of gig's just as soon as I can get my hands on them.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Southern Cross

The time is nigh... yes the time for southern cross music festival is creeping up on us, still a few months admittedly, but before you know it those months have gone. If any of you have been before you'll kmow it's a lovely festival, with a really awsome relaxed vibe. If you haven't been a sugest you go, you'll enjoy it.
I just confirmed with the organizer last night, Dave Falconer, that the Band Will be playing at this years one, held sometime at the end of September. All the details haven't been worked out yet, but as soon as we get the dates and all the rest we'll post them up here for you all to have a wee look see at.
Alright peace all